User Permissions

User permissions are set on a per-user basis, giving specific users unique abilities beyond what a default user is able to do. The License Managers have the ability to enable permissions and delegate permission management to other Managers.

Available permissions include:

  • New User Approval (only available for Managers): Users can accept or decline new user requests. New user requests can be created by those with an Interviewer role. 
  • Summary Report Page (only available for Managers): Ability to view a dynamic list of all interviews within the license and to archive interviews in bulk.
  • Sharing with Original Downloads (only available for Managers & Interviewers): Ability to share interviews with Original downloads (unencrypted). 
  • Sharing with Import Permissions (only available for Managers & Interviewers): Ability to share interviews with import permissions.
  • Shared CAC Custody (only available for Managers & Interviewers with the CAC org type): Ability to view, edit, transfer, and share any interview that is in the custody of another CAC employee.
  • Manage Download Permissions (only available for Managers): Ability to enable or disable Sharing with Original Downloads for other users.
  • Manage Import Share Permissions (only available for Managers): Ability to enable or disable Sharing with Import Permissions for other users.
  • Manage Transfer Permissions (only available for Managers): Ability to enable transfer permissions for other users.
  • Transfer Permissions Drop down menu (only for Managers & Interviewers):
    • None: user cannot transfer interviews
    • Transfer Own: User has the ability to transfer custody of the user’s own interviews.
    • Transfer All: User has the ability to transfer custody of any interviews within the license.