Summary Report

The summary report is a concise report of all of the interviews that have been uploaded to your Guardify License, which allows account managers to see a full list of all interviews, regardless of who has custodianship. This list can be customized to view specific information, and can be exported out of Guardify to save for your records. 

The Summary Report feature can be accessed by clicking "Summary Report" in the left-hand menu, and can only be turned on by the License Manager in the User Permissions for users with the “Manager” role.

The headers of each column in the summary report can be clicked to sort the interviews by that specific statistic.

To filter the interviews by a specific field, click the “Filter by” button in the top left of the screen, and choose which field you’d like to filter the report by. 

You can also view any archived interviews in this list by selecting "Interview Status" and clicking the "Archived" radio button.

To export your entire Summary report, click the “export” button at the top right of the screen. This will download the summary report to your computer as a .csv file.

To customize which fields you are seeing on this report, click the “customize” button in the top right of the screen.

This will give you a list of items that you can select to include in your report. Select them by clicking the check boxes.

List of customizable options:

  • Interviewee - the name of the interviewee, entered at the time the interview was created in Guardify, or edited by custodian.
  • Interview Date - the date that the interview was conducted, entered at the time the interview was created in Guardify, or edited by custodian.
  • Incident Date - the date of the incident discussed in the interview, entered at the time the interview was created in Guardify, or edited by custodian.
  • Interview Status - will show whether the interview is active or archived.
  • Interviewer - the name of the forensic interviewer, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • Originator - the name of the person who originally created the interview in Guardify.
  • CAC Case ID - CAC Case ID number, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • LE Case ID - Law Enforcement Case ID number, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • LE Agency - LE Agency name, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • CPS Case - CPS referral number or intake number, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • CPS Agency - CPS Agency name, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • Jurisdiction - Jurisdiction information, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • DTA: Direct to Archive, entered at the time the interview was created.
  • County - County information, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • Peer Reviewed - will indicate whether or not the interview has been marked as peer reviewed in Guardify.
  • Language - language spoken, selected at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • Alleged Offender - name of the alleged offender on the case, entered at the time the interview was created, or edited by custodian.
  • Videos - will display the number of videos uploaded in each interview.
  • Total Shares - number of times each interview has been shared, and can be clicked on to see a list of each person it was shared with and when. 
  • Downloads - number of times each interview has been downloaded, and can be clicked on to see a list of each person who downloaded it and when. This stat only shows encrypted downloads; express/unencrypted downloads cannot be tracked.
  • Owner - name of the current custodian of the interview.
  • Owner Email - email address of the current custodian of the interview.
  • Last Accessed - date of the last time the interview was accessed by any user.