Pro: How to Download Case Files

You are able to download any of the files that have been shared with you in a case.

To download the files that have been shared with you in a case, click "cases" in the left-hand menu, and find the case you wish to download from.

Once you have opened the case, the files that has been shared with you will show up at the bottom of the case screen. 

Downloading Individual files

To download one specific file out of a case, hover over the file you want to download, and click the 3-dot menu that appears to the right of the file.

On most files, clicking this will give you the option to "Download File." Click this to download the file directly to your computer.

To view the file properties click on "File Properties". A File Properties screen will appear. To download the file properties, click on the download arrow button.

Note: For more information about File Properties, click here

On streaming video or audio files, you may have the option to choose between the original unencrypted file, or a secure encrypted download.

  • Choosing download original will download that file directly to your computer with no secure encryption attached
  • Choosing download encrypted will take you through creating a download package in order to download a secure encrypted version of that audio or video file.

Downloading Multiple Files

From your list of files, check the boxes on the left for any of the files that you want to download. Or click the drop down arrow next to the very top check box to select all of the files in that case.

A "Create Download Package" button will appear at the top right once you have selected your files. Click this button.

A "Request Download Package" box will appear, allowing you to name your package and preview all the selected files. For any files uploaded as streaming video or audio, you’ll have the option to encrypt them. Additionally, you can choose to password-protect the download package, include file properties as either a single file or multiple individual files, and include any available transcripts with the download package.

Once you have reviewed your selections, click "request."

Once you have requested a download package, a new package will appear in the "My Download Packages" tab. The status will show as "Preparing" while the system processes your download package. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes.

Note: View the download instructions by clicking "View Download Instructions" at the top right of the download package.

When the download package is ready, you will receive an email that says "Guardify Download Available." The status of the download package will change to "ready" and you can click the download icon to the right of the download package.

This file will download directly to your computer as a zip file. You can then extract that file and view the files on your computer.

Large Download Packages

If you select multiple case files and the combined size of those files exceeds 10 GB, your download package will be automatically broken up into multiple zip packages, up to 10 GB each.

Download Process

  1. When your download is ready, in your "My Download Packages" list you will notice multiple packages available, all named with the package name that you assigned, with a unique identifier at the end. For example:
      • case-download.z01
      • case-download.z02
  1. Download all the packages and save them in the same location on your computer.

Note: Avoid saving them on a shared network drive or cloud storage service (e.g., OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox), as this may cause issues during extraction.

Extracting the Files

  1. Locate the .zip file (e.g., in the downloaded packages. This is the only file you need to extract.
  2. Ensure all related packages (.zip, .z01, .z02, etc.) are saved in the same folder.

Important Note: The default archiving programs on Windows or macOS will not successfully unzip these files. Use a third-party archiving tool.

Recommended Archiving Tools:

Windows -

Mac -

Steps to Extract the Files

  1. Right-click on the .zip file
  2. Select "Open With" and choose the archiving tool you installed.
  3. Ensure all associated packages are in the same folder during extraction.

Once the extraction is complete:

  • A new unzipped folder will appear in the same location.
  • The folder will contain all files organized according to their original file structure.

Note: Once extracted, you may now move the files, as needed.