Shared CAC Custody

Users with the Shared CAC Custody permission have full custodianship rights to access, edit and share the contents of all interviews in the CAC’s custody.  The License Manager may turn on this permission for users with the manager or interviewer role and whose organization type is “Children’s Advocacy Center.”

Step 1: As the License Manager, click on Users & Groups in the left menu.

Step 2: Find the user you want to edit in the list, and click on the pencil icon at the end of the row next to the user you want to edit.

Step 3: Toggle on or off the permission for Shared CAC Custody.

Once Shared CAC Custody is added for a user, CAC Interviews will show in their top menu under the Interviews tab.

All interviews currently in the custodianship of any CAC user will be fully accessible to users with Shared CAC Custody, including editing, attaching, and sharing. 

Note: Expiration date and share requests made by MDT users will be sent to the interview custodian to approve, modify or decline.