Pro: Auto-Archiving Cases

All cases in Guardify will automatically be archived after an established number of months of inactivity. The default time frame is 6 months, but this can be changed by the License Manager of the account.

"Inactivity" means that the case has not been shared or transferred within the established time frame, and nobody has clicked on that case to access or view it within that span of time. If a case is interacted with at any given time, the established time frame restarts.

How will I know which cases are about to be auto-archived?

Seven days before a case is scheduled to be auto-archived, it will show an “Archiving Soon” status.  This status is visible only to the owner of the case, or to users who can access the case via the Office Cases tab.

How do I stop a case from auto-archiving?

A case will only auto-archive if it has not been accessed within a pre-determined time period, as established by the License Manager. If a case shows an "Archiving Soon" status, simply click on the case to access it. This will effectively reset the auto-archiving clock, as well as immediately clear the "Archiving Soon" status.

The owner of a case can also mark a case to be excluded from being auto-archived in the future. This can be done by opening the case, and clicking the 3-dot menu to the right of the "share" button.

In that menu will be an "auto-archive" toggle. Toggle this off to exclude the case from being auto-archived.

Will cases auto-archive if there are still active shares for the case?

Yes. When a case is auto-archived, any shares on that case will remain active, and those users will be able to choose to restore those cases if they need to access them again once they have been archived.

Note: Manually archived cases will still require a custodian to restore the interview.

Can I see a list of all of my cases that are scheduled to auto-archive?

From the Guardify Dashboard, Manager Prosecution users can see an "Archived storage" graph on that displays data about your Guardify storage. The "Archiving Soon" section in dark blue indicates a total of how much storage is about to be archived.

Prosecution Managers can click on the "Archiving soon" link in the archived storage graph to review a list of cases that are scheduled to auto archive.

Note: Only Prosecution managers who have the "Summary Report" enabled will be able to click this link.

Clicking the "Archiving soon" link from the dashboard will bring users to the Summary Report with the “Archiving Soon” filter applied to be able to review all "archiving soon" interviews.

Auto-Archiving Settings (for License Managers)

The License Manager of the account can choose the settings that determine when a case gets auto-archived.

These settings can be accessed by clicking the 3-dot menu at the top right of the Guardify screen, and then selecting "Account Settings."

In the account settings, scroll down and click on the tab that says "Auto-Archiving" to expand your auto-archiving options.

The options for auto-archiving allow you to select the time frame of inactivity for all cases, as well as set a time frame for auto-archiving cases that have been marked as "closed."

  • For the "Automatically archive cases that have not been viewed" setting, the default duration is 6 months, but you have the option to choose 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, or 36 months.
  • For the "Automatically archive cases that were marked as closed" setting, the default duration is 1 month from the closed date, but you have the option to choose 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, or 36 months.

    Note: the closed date takes precedence over the activity of the case, so with the default options selected, a case may archive a month after it was closed even though it was accessed more recently.