Pro: Labeling Files

Users with custodianship or admin access to a case have the ability to label files. Labeling files can be done in the 'upload settings' step of creating the case or after the case has been created. 

The four label options include:

  1. Sensitive - indicating files that may contain sensitive content such as a child forensic interview. 
  2. Non-Discoverable - indicating files that are non-discoverable. This file label ensures files will not be included in discovery when sharing with a user whose organization type is defense.
  3. Work Product - indicating an in-office work product. 
  4. Redacted - Indicating a redacted version of the file.

To label a file while in the 'upload settings' step of creation, click the purple arrow icon next to the file name.

Select the correct labels and click save.

Now the labels will appear next to the file names. 

Note: when sharing a case with a user that has defense as their organization type you will not be able to select any files that contain the 'non-discoverable' label. 

To label a file after the case has been created, click the gear icon to return to the 'upload settings' page, then follow the steps above.