Pro: Manager Role Overview

The Manager role type is the highest level of access you can give to a user in Guardify. When you give a user the Manager role, they will be able to create and manage cases, create and edit new users, as well as manage some account-level settings.

Create and Manage Cases

Manager users can create new cases, as well as manage their own existing cases. This includes transferring cases to other managers and sharing them on with other users. Managers determine how much access each user gets when they share a case with those users.

Managing Requests

When a case is shared with other users, those users can request to have access to the case for a longer amount of time, and can also request to have those cases shared on with additional users. Manager users will be able to manage these requests that come through for their cases in the Requests tab under "Messages."

Incoming and Office Files

Managers have access to the incoming files that get uploaded into Guardify by other Uploader users for your office. These files can be moved into cases that are set up in your office. Additionally, they can upload their own files into the Office Files section for temporary storage, and move them into cases in your office at a later time.

Creating and Managing Users & Groups

Managers can add additional users to your office in the Users & Groups tab, and can also update the information or edit user permissions on pre-existing users in your office. The Groups tab will allow managers to create their own groups of users to share cases with.

Uploading Proprietary Players

If your office has specific video players that are required to play some of your video files, Manager users can upload those into your office, so that they are downloaded with those specific video file types that require them. This can be done from the Account Settings screen, which can be accessed in the 3-dot menu at the top right of the screen.