Pro: Defense share status updates

When a case is shared with a Defense user, the Admin of the case will see a status icon that informs them whether or not the case has been viewed by defense.

These status icons can be viewed at the top right of the case cards when in grid view, and there is a "defense status" column when viewing cases in list view. These icons can also be seen on the summary report.

There are five different color-coded statuses, and hovering over the status icon will inform the user what the status is:

"Case is ready to be shared with defense - the status icon will appear blue once the case has been edited and checked as ready to share with defense.

"shared with defense" - the status icon will appear blue once the case has been shared with a defense user. 

"viewed by defense" - the status icon will appear green once the case has been shared with and viewed.

"expiring soon but not viewed by defense" - the status icon will appear yellow when a case that has been shared with defense is 5 days or less from expiring, and has not been accessed by defense.

"expired without being viewed by defense" - the status icon will appear red when a case is shared with defense, and that share expires without defense ever accessing the case.