Pro: Uploading files as an uploader
The uploader role in Guardify gives a user the unique ability to upload files directly into Guardify without assigning them to a case. This user does not have access to any other features in Guardify, and cannot create cases. You can, however, share individual cases with them.
When an Uploader logs into Guardify, they will see a files list of any files they may have recently uploaded, as well as an "Upload" button. If they have not yet uploaded anything, this list will be blank.
Note: If they have recently uploaded something, but it has already been received by the office, they will need to toggle on the "Show Received" switch above the "Upload" button.
To upload files, click the "Upload" button at the top right of the screen to open the "Upload Files" window.
From this screen, the Uploader can enter in some notes, as well a case identifier so that the user receiving these files will know what case to assign them to. The "Case Identifier" options are "LE Case ID" "Court Case ID" "CPS Case ID" or "I don't know." Choosing "I don't know" will allow the user to put in an unrelated case identifier of their choosing.
The uploader can drag their files directly into the "Drag and Drop" box, or click into the box to select their files and folders from their computer.
Then, click Upload.
The Uploader will be brought back to their Files list, and the files they just selected will begin uploading. The "Status" on each file will show a yellow "Uploading" badge until the upload is complete. You can also see a yellow progress bar at the bottom of the screen to indicate that the files are still uploading.
Once the uploads have completed, the progress bar at the bottom of the screen will turn green and then disappear, and the Status on the files will turn to a blue "uploaded" badge.
Once the files have completed uploading, if it is discovered that the file needs to be deleted for some reason, the 3-dot menu to the right of the file will give the option to delete.
Once these files have been received by the office and sorted into a case, these files can no longer be deleted, and their status will change to a grey "received" badge.
To view files uploaded by other uploader roles in your organization, click on "Filter by" at the top left of your screen and select the user(s). Their uploaded files will appear once their name gets selected.
Note: In order to view files uploaded by other uploader roles in your organization, a Manager user must turn on the "Can view organization uploads" permission in the User Permissions setting.