Pro: Incoming Files

Incoming Files is intended as an inbox for files where the evidence uploaded by "Uploader" users can be found. Managers users can access incoming files and move these files into existing or new Cases.

You can move files into a case from the Incoming Files tab or you can pull files into a case while in a case. 

To move files into an existing case, click 'Files' in the left navigation menu, then 'Incoming Files' tab at the top. This will show you a list of all files uploaded by an Uploader user.

Here you will see a folder for each upload that has been submitted by users with the "uploader" role, and can click on the folder to preview each of the files that were uploaded before you move it into a case.

When you're ready to move it to a case, select the checkbox next to the file name that you would like to move into a case. Then click 'Move' in the top right corner.

Search for the case you'd like to move the files into.

Choose the file settings. Then click 'Save'.

After moving files into a case, the files will no longer show in your Incoming Files tab unless you toggle on the 'Show Received' toggle in the top right corner.

To pull files into a case you are already in, select 'pull' and repeat the steps listed above.

Note: A new action will show in the case history to indicate that files were pulled/moved into the case. This action will be attributed to the person pulling the files into the case.

After the files have been moved/pulled into a case, the Uploader who uploaded the files will see that the status of the files has changed to Received.

Rejecting Evidence from Incoming Files

If an uploader has uploaded evidence to Incoming Files that is incorrect or irrelevant, Prosecution Managers are able to delete and reject the evidence.

From the incoming files list, an entire folder of uploaded evidence can be deleted by clicking the 3-dot menu to the right of the folder you want to delete, and selecting "delete"

You can also bulk delete multiple folders of evidence from different uploads by clicking the check boxes to the left of the folders of evidence, and clicking the trash can that appears at the top of the page.

Individual files from within the folders of uploaded evidence can also be deleted. Click the folder to view the list of uploaded files, and select the check boxes to the left of files you wish to delete. Then click the trash can icon at the top of the page.

When folders are deleted from the incoming files screen, they will appear with the "rejected" status, and will only be visible to Prosecution Managers who have the "show received" toggle turned on. Individual rejected files will be greyed-out and cannot be previewed.

when an upload is rejected, the status will show as "received" for the uploader user who originally uploaded it.