Encrypted Downloads

An encrypted video download is a secure way to view Guardify videos without requiring users to login.  The security on an encrypted download prevents the video from being uploaded into other sites, and shows in the Interview History each time the video was downloaded and when it has been viewed. Additionally, in emergency situations the downloaded files can be disabled so that any copies are no longer able to be viewed.

Due to these additional security features, an internet connection is required in order to view an encrypted download.

To download an encrypted version of an interview, first open the interview and select the file(s) you want to download. Click the purple Create Download Package at the top right of the list of files, just below the interview video player.

Note: If you do not have the download option, please reach out to the person who shared the interview with you to gain access.

When the Request Download Package window appears, name the package and preview your "package contents" by clicking on the down arrow to the left of the "package contents" header.

Here, you will be able to choose which files you want to download. The "encrypted" file type will be selected by default. If there are other files shared with you along with the interview videos, you can select those at this time, as well.

Note: The "require password" toggle is optional. Only turn this on if you want your saved file to be password protected. Save this password to your records as there is no way to retrieve it later.
Click "Request." You will receive a prompt letting you know that your download will be ready in 5-10 minutes.

After clicking "Got It" you will be brought to your "My Download Packages" tab, which can be accessed below the video player. Here, you will find your download package request with a yellow "preparing" status.

Once your download is ready, you will receive an email letting you know that you can now download your encrypted interview from your "My Download Packages" tab. The "status" on your download package will say "ready" and will have a download icon to the right.

Clicking the download icon will download a zip file directly to your computer. For more information on how to extract and view an encrypted video, click here.