Pro: video redaction tools

Creating shorter video clips from long-form videos is a simple primary redaction method, as well as a common workflow productivity practice. Our Video Clips Editor allows users to create a new “highlight” video of the most relevant parts of the long form video by stringing short segments together in a new and distinct video file.

To create a video clip, open a case in Guardify and click on a streamable video in the list of files.

Note: This is a tool for streaming videos only.

When the video opens in the Guardify player, a scissor icon appears in the player controls to the bottom right of the video. 

Clicking the scissor icon shows the segment clip editor tool.

Clicking the plus icon adds a new clip to your segment.

Clicking the edit button lets you edit the start and stop time for that clip, in seconds. You can also drag the left and right sides of the segment window to change the clip duration.

Multiple segments can be added together. Once you have added one segment, click the plus icon again to add another segment. If one segment start/end time is dragged into or overlapping a different segment, the two segments will be merged.

You can preview your segments by clicking the "preview" button, and the video will play only the parts of the video that you have set specific segments for.

When you click "Save Clip" you will be prompted to name your clip. 

The new video file will then begin processing in your list of files. This video clip inherits the same properties/settings of the source video: transcription, language, labels, and folder location. 

A “Redacted” label is automatically added to the new video clip, and since clips are a known redaction, this label cannot be unchecked/removed.

The new video clip will behave like any other video- it can be played, downloaded and even a new clip can be created from this video clip.