Viewing Interviews

Once an interview has been shared with you, you will get an email letting you know that the interview has been shared.

This email will contain a link that will take you to the Guardify log in screen, where you can log in to access the interview directly. A multi-factor authenticator screen will appear next, for which you'll need to type in a 6-digit code that was either texted to your mobile phone or provided via a phone call to verify it is you.

When you log in, you may also be brought to your Interviews list, which will show you all of the interviews that have been shared with you.

From this screen, you can select the specific interview you want to access.

If you do not see an interview in your Interviews tab, please reach out to your center and request to have the interview you are looking for shared with you.

When you click into an interview card, the main interview can be viewed by clicking the large play button in the middle of the grey square. This is the interview that was shared with you, and will show the content available once the play button is clicked.

You may also see a number of additional features that have been shared with you for that interview, depending on the share permissions that were selected by the custodian of that interview when it is shared with you, so they may look different for you depending on what was shared with you.

Additional features may include: video tags, video transcript, additional files, the interview history, and download capabilities.

If you do not see some of these features and would like access, please reach out to the interview custodian directly to request additional access.